Friday, May 14, 2010

Test Results

Well, we took Liam to get his bloodwork done earlier this week for the swollen lymph nodes that his pediatrician found in his neck and groin area. She kept reassuring us that there was a 95% chance that is was nothing, but as a mom, I tend to worry about the "what if's" So, he got his blood drawn on Wednesday which was not a good situation for him (or me) because they had to do it twice! The first time was in his right arm and Liam jerked him arm back when they put the needle in so they had to start over. The next time was in his left arm and it took three of us to hold him down. I turned my head to cry as soon as Liam started screaming! It was so sad to hear. :( The good news is, we got the results back yesterday and his Ped. said everything looked good "for now" . Whatever that's supposed to mean. We requested a copy of the bloodwork so we can show them to Bob when they come for memorial day. Glad we got all that out of they way and I don't have to stress about it anymore. Once again, we are very blessed and I am VERY thankful!

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