Sunday, March 16, 2008

Morning Sickness Nightmare!!!

Oh my! For any mom that has done this more than once, I applaud you! I have been in a living HE** all weekend and nothing is really helping. I'll tell you what Ive been told to do, and yes, I have tried all of these. GInger Ale, Peppermint Candy, Lemon tea, Peppermint tea, saltines. Yet, none of them seem to be working,,, one thing that I have found that HELPS is gatorade and mineral water (perrier). I've pretty much been lying around all weekend with no energy to do much more than that. Needless to say, I am SICK of lying on the couch and Im trying to enjoy the beautiful day outside (even if I am gagging at the same time!) Good news is,, the Dr. said only about 6 more weeks to go! Lord help me!


Grandma Joney said...

OK, my friend -- one more suggestion. This worked for me 29/31 yrs ago! -

LOL! FLAT coke or cola . .not diet . . .no bubbles. Let it sit on the counter for hours :-)
It may not be the answer, but perhaps it will help. There is nothing like what you're experiencing, and I pray it passes FAST!!! Know you're in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs ~ Joney

Jovina and Bill said...

Joney,,, the thought of drinking flat coke alone makes me want to throw up! haha! Who knows,, maybe Ill get desperate enough to give it a shot! :)

Unknown said...

I have heard if you eat 3 table spoons of hot mayonaise and then chase it with a raw egg and a warm glass of milk that it will help you!!!! Sorry....are you back from the bathroom yet? hahaha :) just think if you really had to do that? See??? What you are going thru suddenly is not all that bad now huh? :)

Your Loving Sister.....

the bump chronicles said...

I'm right there with you girl! I spent all weekend on the couch in sweats. I'm just counting down the weeks....4 more to go until!! Feel better! :)

Jovina and Bill said...

Jennifer: I officially HATE YOU!!!!

Pauline said...

I had bad morning sickness the beginning and end of my pregnancy! I would eat horrible as it sounds I ate something small and they were no more!
My doctor also gave me motion sickness medication. lol! that worked too!

The Goodrichs said...

i know you dont know me but i went to school with brandon. I have 2 little girls and I was deathly sick this same time last year. The ONLY think that worked for me was eating BEFORE i even put my foot down to get out of the bed. I would put crackers beside my bed and when I woke up i would eat them without really moving first. THat seemed to help.. I also noticed that brushing my teeth made me sick so i would have to do that very gently. They do make RX for it though and the ZOFRAN does help.... maybe an option. HOpe it passes soon. THey say sickness = girl.... it was both times in my case. Good luck - you will be in our prayers