Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gentle Discipline

I recently read an article on gentle discipline and it really got me thinking about a few things. Liam is at the age now where he needs discipline from time to time. I will be honest, I have done the "time-out" thing, and I'm not a big fan. Mainly because it doesn't work and really because it doesn't re-inforce "good behavior". So, from time to time I have thought of other ways to discipline him when he needs it. I read this article and a lot of it made since. We don't spank Liam, never have, never will. To me, physical discipline isn't good for anyone involved. I personally think it teaches children that "hitting is okay" when mommy and daddy do it, but not if you hit your classmates? Wow. Mixed message perhaps? Sorry. I was spanked as a child. Yes, MANY times, sometimes even with a wooden spoon (comes from living with an asian woman) and I'm not sure it really helped me "learn" a lesson. So, while I'm still in search of a form of discipline that will work for us, I will ponder some ideas from the following article. Oh, by the way, if you spank your child, I won't consider you a monster. It's simply something we have chosen not to do. That's all. :) Oh, if you want to take a look at the article, you have to copy and paste it into your web browser.

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