Monday, September 10, 2007

Missing my Pilot

So, the whole month of September is gonna be a little rougher than it has been. Bill is stuck doing 4 day trips this month, which means he leaves early (5am) on Mondays and gets home late on Thursday (9pm or so). I miss him tonight and doing stuff like this helps! I love and miss you very much babe! Hurry home will ya? :)


Anonymous said...

OK, my friend . . . .let's see: 86 hrs till he's home . . . . Duke needs your attention, the boss needs your focus . . .All those pictures/pages need scrap booking expertise! LOL!

On that note, I wish you were still in MCO 'cause then we could hang out!

If you haven't seen 'Hairspray', it's perfect to kill some time! I laughed and laughed -- John Travolta in a fat suit is priceless!!!

mary said...

great photos you two! jo, I love your blog! you need to help me start one.